BulletPoint Símafesting á grind Wrangler JL

Verð með vsk:

17.990 kr.

Símahaldari á grind fyrir Wrangler JL bensín/dísel og Glatiator JT 2018-2023

ATH. þarf að panta á lager


RubiGrid® by Bulletpoint Mounting Solutions

For most customers, a one-ball or two-ball solution provides just the right number of mounting points for everyday use or for the weekend warrior.

For the true hardcore off-roader, we designed the Jeep Wrangler JL and Jeep Gladiator RubiGrid® which offers complete flexibility to create your ultimate command center.

Upplýsingar um vöruna

Aukahlutir fyrir

Gladiator, Wrangler

Vörumerki Aukahlutir



2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024